
Pre-Halloween LGBT Party

you guys might want to go here. last i've been to malate was during the pride march which makes it one year ago. geez.

first two years of my g2g life i've spent in orosa, malate. the first year with my gay buddies street partying and being astounded of the make out scenes. the second year with new found g2g friends, drinking, partying still.

third year and so, the scene moved to makati, thru club government. my gay bestfriend is a VIP there so we always get invites. it's a gay club so there's just a handful of g2gs, not enough eye candies. sigh.

but now that bestfriend recently relocated to Obama country, partying halted. sigh again.

i do go to dyke dialogues and occasional film fests and g2g org launches. but that's just that. i find myself with no steady/regular g2g friends to hang out with lately.

my used to be regular gang have joined the diaspora cult and have gone sparse. sigh.

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