
drinking in you

i've met many women in coffee shops. starbucks is the official eb venue ng bayan. then when it got too crowded with the surge of ebs (that didn't look right, hahaha. of course i meant eb in plural), we shifted to seattle's best which seems to be often just front or side of starbucks. since my fave drink is hot choco classic with just 2 dips of mocha, i still buy my drink at starbucks and settle with my friends at seattle's. hehe. i do love seattle's macaroons. a guilty pleasure for me. but i still go for old fashion oatmeal cookie at starbucks. and my super favorite cake, the perfect raspberry cheesecake at coffee bean & tea leaf. a recent discovery.

for someone who is not a heavy drinker (yeah , gone are the days. hehe), i embraced the advent of coffee shops as an alternative hang out place. i used to wonder why it is perceived that gimmicks are more fun if mixed with alcohol. to prove a point, me and my college buddies replaced our drink with soda and did our discussions. i admit, it wasn't the same. like the conversations weren't as interesting?

but after all the alcohol drinking i did to the dismay of my liver, where in drunken stupor i cried, laughed, kissed, touched, had sex, made a fool of myself, got harassed too, proposed with, vomited my gut out, i realized that twas the intoxication that largely had me doing those things. was i sincere then, like was it my true self unmasked? if i can still remember, maybe. hehe. but there is something surreal on those moments. twas hell fun, true. but now that i've seem to have matched my alcohol drinking craze with the coffee shop drinking, i realized that many of my heart-to-heart conversations happened while mildly caffeinated.

talks not limited to the appearance of moon and stars, which can be as intense as the noon glare. lips that get burned with the heat from the words in as much as the coffee temperature i was served with. a woman steadily looking at me, after taking a sip from her herbal tea while she reaches for my hand on the table and i smile back, intertwining my fingers with hers. i feel warm and fuzzy and my heart is full.

we share stories, however mundane, disagree on issues we have opposing views of. we laugh with nostalgic joy of the silly things we did for love and even of just simple embarrassments. our tears helplessly fall from bad news and why sometimes beyond our control, things just don't work out as we imagined it would. memories are clear, feelings are real, moments are honest. the kind that doesn't get forgotten after a hangover or easily evaporate like the aroma of the coffee brew.

 Landon Pigg

i think that possibly, maybe im falling for you
yes theres a chance that ive fallen quite hard over you.
ive seen the paths that your eyes wander down
i want to come to

i think that possibly, maybe im falling for you

no one understands me quite like you do
through all of the shadowy corners of me

i never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
i love so much
all of the while i never knew
i never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
i love so much
all of the while i never knew

i think that possibly, maybe im falling for you
yes theres a chance that ive fallen quite hard over you.
ive seen the waters that make your eyes shine
now i'm shining too

because oh because
ive fallen quite hard over you

if i didnt know you, id rather not know
if i couldnt have you, i'd rather be alone

i never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
i love so much
all of the while i never knew
i never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
i love so much
all of the while, i never knew

all of the while , all of the while it was you.

**thanks Hapi for the song =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

=) thanks for posting it. -Hapi