i dunno how we started with my mom's bday and ended up with boobs. but the playful banter is fun for me. so hope you have fun too :)
Fw: btw, mom's bday now Df: oh happy bday to mudra
Fw: salamas!
Df: i should thank her for carrying you for 9 mos
and breast feeding you
and so you became so witty and articulate
Fw: nah, i was bottle fed
Df: oh thanks to genes and formula milk na lang pala
Fw: all bec of animal milk. lol
Df: you're a cow... moomoo
Fw: by the way, 'just remembered
Df: yeah?
Fw: abt you being gorgeous, forgot to add, boobs mo pa lang gorgeous na e
Df: manyakis comment LOL
Fw: nah, honest comment
pag honest ba manyakis na?
Df: hindi. Lol
Fw: so why are you saying that?
Df: it was a joke
and it's a booby comment. lol
Fw: so what?
i like your boobs
Df: why, thank you *bows*
Fw: you're welcome :)
penge ng milk n milk... :)
my mother said i was breastfed the longest hence i'm the brightest offspring.
ps: i like my boobs.
am i considered deviant if i have no thingy for boobies? lol -w1cked
@w1cked only if you're not into boobs but into something unusual... like, let's say you had a thing for FEET instead. definitely deviant. :)) no offense meant to those who actually have a foot fetish.
@pola - hehe. hingi tayo milk kay dearie friend :)
@_yle - good for you and your boobies! hehe.
@w1cked - hehe. i hope you a have a thing for your gf's bod ;)
@_yle - i thought you have an exam? go review! :p good luck!
just woke up. gud am _yle & firewomyn! :) i'm into tummy but she gets tickled when i kiss it he he and i like makisiksik sa neck. :p -w1cked
@w1cked - sweet! I love to siksik too and snuggle :) she's very ticklish which makes it fun to tease her. Hehe.
hahaha basically we're on the same boat! :) i like sharin these stuff with u. hmmm :) -w1cked
@w1cked - ansarap ng may partner na mahal na mahal mo no? :)
yeahhhh! you hit the nail on the head. major reason why i'm always here. i can totally relate to you. :) -w1cked
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